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"It is something to be able to paint a particular picture, or to carve a statue, and so to make a few objects beautiful; but it is far more glorious to carve and paint eat very atmosphere and medium through which we look, which morally we can do. To affect the quality of the day, that is the highest of the arts. ". Henry David Thoreau

My Social Practice and Urban public arts proposals are paramount in my work as a culmination of all that I am most passionate about. My resulting work becomes sculpture as action when collaborators across disciplines work from inception of concept to installation, to documenting, writing and designing the catalogs. These action pieces also forge new bonds and connections transforming the environment on another level. My work in the Middle East is of the utmost relevance today. Often my teaching includes opportunities for my students to become involved in works incorporating the efforts of local communities. This model incorporates the same resources but works directly with underserved school systems of the inner city . My aim is to challenge notions fueled by ignorance, fear and prejudice through  my work. I recognize borders to be manmade, and that the lives of all peoples are all equally priceless and that every person who suffers injustice is shared by all.

As in the words of Michelangelo Pistoletto,  I embody the role as “artivator”  a catalyst of artistic production responsible for  social transrformation, a  collaborative process that assists in identity building, reclamation and pride. It is not only the final installation of the pieces that I consider the sculpture; instead it is the social interaction, building of pride, bridging boundaries of economics, educational access, language and culture.

Peace is not a status to be sought and rather a construction to be actively built. It is truly thrilling to see how the practice of art making  can establish the foundation to commence this building. 

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social practice exemplified on campus
5)United through work  Bekaa Valley Peac
Peace Project; Crossing Borders
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Creative Enterprise in Action
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